Completion of the following items is required for your family to move forward in the application process:


  • Step 1

    Attend an informational meeting.

  • Step 2

    Pay the $150 Application Fee (1 per Family)

  • Step 3

    Complete a Family Application (1 per Family)

    If you are interested in applying for the current school year, please email and request the application for the current school year.

  • Step 4

    Complete a Student Application (1 per Student)

    There will be an option on the Student Application to choose your desired TCS campus.

    If you are interested in applying for the current school year, please email and request the application for the current school year.

  • Step 5

    Complete a Student Assessment (1 per student applying)

    Find links to the appropriate assessment file, and follow the submission steps.

More Information

Application processing takes a minimum of 2 weeks and can take as much as 4 weeks depending on the season. Once your application is processed, we will notify you as to whether or not we plan to move forward with an interview. We will not process incomplete applications.

If you have already attended an Informational Meeting and would like to apply for the current school year, please email the TCS Admissions Office.