
Trinity Classical School of Houston, Inc. is a Texas non-profit corporation and has received 501(c)3 status from the IRS. Donations are tax deductible. After making your gift, you should receive a letter of confirmation from the school within one month.

Giving Online

Gifts may be made with our secure Financial Gift Form. If you wish to make a tax-deductible, charitable contribution, please use this form.

  • A check may be dropped off in the TCS accounting office (Memorial Lower Campus) or mailed to the school's mailing address. Please indicate “Gift” on the memo line.

    Mailing Address

    Trinity Classical School of Houston
    7941 Katy Freeway, #110
    Houston, TX 77024

  • If you wish to make an in-kind donation of a product or service or give stocks or securities through your broker, please contact

Capital Campaign

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