Consider a Different Way
Passion & Depth
Our Purpose
Life contains more than what our culture offers. We believe that God’s world transcends what we can see. Beneath the surface of things lies a truer life–we must mine for the deeper things.
Truth, goodness, and beauty need to be sought out and sifted, often through sweat and sacrifice. When a passion for the deeper things grows in a student, when she tastes the greatest truths, the life-long quest for depth reignites over and over, and the greater glory of Jesus manifests. We want to instigate a life of education marked by passion and depth.
We can only define ourselves as a Christian school to the degree that the worship of Christ happens in our midst. Our goal is to see Christ in the liberal arts in order to grow a depth of worship as a community. We want our students to understand that we study, experiment, read, think, discuss, write, debate, and create because we believe this is what it means to be created in the image of God. It’s also a way of growing our capacity to conceive of the immortal attributes of God, and thus deepening our worship. The end of a TCS education is worship.
We have a rich heritage in the educational tradition of the West, extending back to the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. In its best moments, this educational tradition has been a commitment to the cultivation of wisdom and virtue in young hearts and minds. It has been a means of grappling with the highest truths, coming to terms with the natural order of our universe, and discovering what it means to be human.
In order to pursue these great ends, educators have used the seven liberal arts (grammar/Latin, logic, rhetoric, music, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy) as a means. Historically, this rigorous, liberal arts-oriented study has defined the core of a classical education.
Parents and teachers work together to educate students through our blended model that combines aspects of traditional school with homeschooling.
Students learn on campus two days per week and at home the remainder of the week.
Parents share responsibility for instruction with the professional, on-campus teacher who provides classroom instruction and take-home assignments.
The school makes core curriculum choices, but families can supplement as often and as much as desired.
Model provides a smooth transition to college based on the number of hours on campus per week and the emphasis on time management and responsibility.